The Deterministic Parallel Java Installation Manual
tar -xvf dpjbin.tar
setenv DPJ_ROOT ${HOME}/dpjbin setenv PATH ${PATH}:${DPJ_ROOT}/Implementation/binThis assumes that dpjbin is in your home directory; if not, make the necessary changes.
cd dpjbin/Benchmarks/Kernels make
make test-all
cd ~ git clone git:// DPJAgain, make the appropriate adjustments if you are putting the root of the working directory somewhere else.
setenv DPJ_ROOT ~/DPJThen do
source ~/.cshrc
cd ~/DPJ/Implementation/Compiler/make ant your JDK is not located at /usr/bin/jvm/java, then substitute the appropriate path.
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${DPJ_ROOT}/Implementation/bin/
cd ../../Runtime/ make
cd ${DPJ_ROOT}/Benchmarks/Kernels make
make test-all
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.