The Deterministic Parallel Java Language Specification
Version 1.0

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Revised June 2010


1  Introduction

This document defines Deterministic Parallel Java (DPJ) as an extension to the Java Programming Language, v1.6 (Java 6). For the specification of Java 6, see The Java Programming Language Specification [3], hereafter referred to as “JLS.” Because we are extending an already-specified language (Java), we omit many of the topics one would expect to find in a specification (lexical structure, form of statements and expressions, etc.). We use JLS for all that. Instead, we describe only what DPJ adds to Java.

The structure of the specification is as follows. In § 2, we describe the DPJ extensions to Java's class and interface definitions. In § 3, we describe region path lists, or RPLs, which provide a way to name sets of memory locations on the heap in a DPJ program. In § 4, we describe the DPJ extensions to Java's class and array types. In § 5 we describe effects, which specify accesses to memory in terms of operations on RPLs. In § 6, we describe DPJ's constructs for expressing parallelism.

Readers of this document may wish to consult the following documents: Please note that the purpose of this specification is to give a compact and precise definition of DPJ, for someone who is already familiar with the concepts discussed herein. Therefore, it is probably best to have at least a working knowledge of the tutorial and reference manual (which are more concerned with explaining the language) before consulting this specification.

2  Class and Interface Definitions

This section describes DPJ's extensions to Java class and interface definitions.

2.1  Class Region Name Declarations

A region name declaration as defined immediately below may appear as a class member (JLS § 8.1.6).

A region name declaration has the form region region-decls, where region-decls is a comma-separated list of identifiers. The declared names are available within the enclosing class scope and via inheritance and/or class selection (as for an ordinary Java static member, JLS § 8.2), subject to visibility restrictions. The declared names may be used as name RPL elements (§ 3.2.1) wherever they are available.

Every region name declaration appearing in a particular class must have a unique name. Otherwise, if two region declarations with the same name appear in the same scope, the innermost declaration hides all the others.

2.2  Fields

Any field declaration may include an RPL specifier with the syntax in rpl, where rpl is a valid RPL (§ 3.1). If the RPL specifier appears in a field declaration, it must appear after the field name and before the initializer expression, if any. The RPL specifier is meaningful only for non-final fields; if an RPL specifier appears in a final field, it is allowed but silently ignored. RPL specifiers are not allowed for local variable declarations or formal method parameter definitions, because those variables reside in stack regions (see § 5.3).

2.3  Methods

2.3.1  Method Effect Summaries

Every method may optionally declare its effects via an effect summary (§ 5.2). If an effect summary is present, it must appear after the method arguments, before the method body, and before the throws clause, if any. The compiler internally converts each method effect summary to an effect set (§ 5.1), called the declared effect set of the method. If there is no explicit effect summary, then the compiler inserts a default effect set containing writes Root:*. In particular, an ordinary Java 1.6 method (with no DPJ annotations) is a valid DPJ method, whose effect summary is writes Root:*.

The compiler infers the effects of the method body (§ 5.3) and checks the following, after deleting all local effects (§ 5.1): If either of these requirements is not met, the compiler generates an error.

Constructors: The following rules apply to the method effect summaries of constructors:

2.3.2  Local Region Name Declarations

A region declaration may appear as a statement in a method body (JLS §  8.4.7). The declaration has the same form as for class region name declarations (§ 2.1). The declared names are available as name RPL elements in the innermost enclosing statement block.

2.3.3  Commutativity Annotations

The keyword commutative may optionally appear as a method qualifier, before the return type and before the method parameters, if any. The commutative annotation is a programmer-specified guarantee that the method commutes with itself, i.e., any pair of invokes effects (§ 5.1) using this method are treated as noninterfering. If commutative appears in the definition of a method M, then it must also appear in the definitions of all methods overriding M.

When using commutative, the programmer is responsible for ensuring two things:
  1. The method is properly synchronized so that concurrent invocations of the method behave as though they have occurred in sequence (i.e., the invocations have serializable semantics [4]).

  2. The semantics of the method is such that either order of a pair of invocations produces the same result.
Note that “same result” in condition (2) generally has an application-specific meaning. For instance, two insert operations on a set may commute with each other, because they produce the “same” set (i.e., the two sets are indistinguishable as far as future set operations like find are concerned), even though the sets may have different internal representations. However, two append operations on an ordered list generally do not commute.

2.4  Type and RPL Parameters

2.4.1  Class Parameters

As part of a class or interface definition, a list of generic type and/or RPL parameter declarations may appear directly after the class or interface name, which follows the keyword class or interface. A parameter declaration extends the generic parameter declaration of Java 1.6 and has the form <params> or <params|constraints>, where The type parameters function exactly as in Java 1.6 (notice that if only type parameters appear, and the optional type keyword is not used, the syntax corresponds exactly to Java 1.6). The RPL parameters may be used as RPL elements (§ 3.2) in the scope of the class definition, including in any type constraints appearing in any generic parameter declarations. As with type parameters in Java 1.6, the type and RPL parameters are available only in an instance context (i.e., in any scope where this is in scope).

The RPL parameter constraints, if present, impose disjointness constraints (§ 3.3.4) that are enforced when RPL arguments are bound to the parameters in a type that instantiates the class (§ 4.1.1). Each constraint rpl-1 # rpl-2 is also recorded in the environment, so that the compiler can prove that rpl-3 and rpl-4 are disjoint, if rpl-3 is included in (§ 3.3.3) rpl-1 and rpl-4 is included in rpl-2. It is an error to write a constraint rpl-1 # rpl-2 such that rpl-1 is included in rpl-2 or vice versa.

2.4.2  Method Parameters

Declaring method parameters: As part of a method definition (including constructors), a list of type and RPL parameter declarations may appear inside angle brackets <...> in the same position where Java 1.6 allows type parameters, i.e., after the method qualifiers (public, static, etc.), if any, and before the method return type (for non-constructor methods) or class name (for constructors). A method parameter declaration has the same form as a class parameter declaration (§ 2.4). The declared RPL parameters may be used as RPL elements in the scope of the method definition, including the formal parameters and return type. The constraints, if present, impose disjointness constraints that are enforced when the parameters become bound in a method invocation. The constraints are also recorded in the method environment, as described in § 2.4 for class parameter constraints.

Invoking parametric methods: When a method defined with type and/or RPL parameters is invoked, the invocation (at the programmer's option, and depending upon the support for region inference in the DPJ compiler) may use either explicit type and RPL arguments or inferred type and RPL arguments. This approach corresponds to the way that Java 1.6 handles generic method parameters.

Explicit Type and RPL Arguments: As in Java 1.6, if type and/or RPL arguments are present, then there must be an explicit selector (a static class selector or an expression of class or interface type) followed by a dot. The arguments must be enclosed in angle brackets <...>, after the dot and before the method name. For constructors, the arguments must follow the keyword new and precede the class name. In either case, the RPL arguments have the same form as for class and interface RPL arguments (§ 4.1.1), except that the keyword region must precede at least the first RPL argument. (This requirement tells the compiler which arguments are types and which ones are RPLs. Because of Java's method overloading, this information is not available from the method name, as it is for classes from the class name.) The number of type and RPL arguments must exactly match the number of type and RPL parameters; otherwise, the compiler reports an error.

Inferred Type and RPL Arguments: If a method is defined with type and/or RPL parameters, then the method invocation may be written without explicit type or RPL arguments. The compiler may attempt to infer the RPL arguments from the types of the value arguments, using an algorithm similar to the one that Java 1.6 uses for inferring generic parameters. This specification does not require any particular inference algorithm; in particular no inference is a correct implementation of the language. If the inference is not possible for a given RPL argument, either because inference is not supported or it is not possible (for instance, because the parameter does not appear in any of the actual argument types), then the compiler must use Root:* as the RPL for that argument.

RPL Constraints: The compiler checks the RPL arguments against the constraints, as discussed in § 4.1.1 for class parameter constraints. If any constraint is violated, the compiler issues a warning.

3  Region Path Lists

In DPJ, the programmer uses region path lists, or RPLs, to name sets of heap regions (§ 3.4.1). The region sets in turn are used in specifying and checking effects (§ 5). § 3.1 and § 3.2 describe the construction of RPLs. § 3.3 describe the rules for comparing RPLs, which are essential in noninterference checking. § 3.4 describes heap regions and stack regions, which do not appear in DPJ programs, but are used by the implementation to do noninterference checking.

3.1  Valid RPLs

A region path list (RPL) is a nonempty sequence of RPL elements (§ 3.2) separated by colons (:). An RPL is well-formed if it obeys the following rules: It is also acceptable to write an RPL starting with a class or local region name element (§ 3.2.1), an array index element (§ 3.2.3), or the star element (§ 3.2.5). In these cases, the RPL has Root as an implicit first element.

3.2  RPL Elements

An RPL element is one of the following: a name RPL element, a parameter RPL element, an array index RPL element, a variable RPL element, or the star RPL element.

3.2.1  Name RPL Elements

A name RPL element is one of the following:

3.2.2  Parameter RPL Elements

A parameter RPL element names a class RPL parameter (§ 2.4), method RPL parameter (§ 2.4.2), or capture parameter (§ 4.1.7) that is in scope. Note that capture parameters are introduced by the compiler in capturing types (§ 4.1.7), and cannot be written by the programmer.

3.2.3  Array Index RPL Elements

An array index RPL element is one of the following:

3.2.4  Variable RPL Elements

A variable RPL element is one of the following: this; a final method variable of class type; or a final method formal parameter of class type.

3.2.5  The Star RPL Element

The star RPL element has the form *. It indicates any sequence of RPL elements.

3.3  Relations on RPLs

RPLs have several pairwise relations that are used to determine when two RPLs name disjoint or overlapping sets of regions: equivalence (§ 3.3.1), nesting (§ 3.3.2), disjointness (§ 3.3.4), and inclusion (§ 3.3.3).

3.3.1  Equivalence

There is an equivalence relation on RPLs, which we will denote here by “rpl-1 is equivalent to rpl-2.” Its meaning is that the set of regions represented by rpl-1 is equal to the set of regions represented by rpl-2.

Equivalent RPLs: Two RPLs are equivalent if both RPLs have the same number of elements, and the corresponding pairs of elements are equivalent.

Equivalent RPL Elements: Two RPL elements are equivalent if: Always-Equal Expressions: Always-equal expressions are defined as follows:

3.3.2  Nesting

There is a nesting relation on RPLs, which we will denote here by “rpl-1 is nested under rpl-2.” Its meaning is that for every region r-1 represented by rpl-1, there exists a region r-2 represented by rpl-2 such that r-1 is nested under r-2. The meaning of “r-1 is nested under r-2” Is that r-1 is a descendant of r-2 in the region tree. rpl-1 is nested under rpl-2 if one of the following holds:

3.3.3  Inclusion

There is an inclusion relation on RPLs, which we will denote here by “rpl-1 is included in rpl-2.” Its meaning is that the set of regions represented by rpl-1 is contained (in the sense of ordinary set inclusion) in the set of regions represented by rpl-2.

Inclusion of RPLs: rpl-1 is included in rpl-2 if one of the following holds: Inclusion of RPL Elements: RPL element elt-1 is included in RPL element elt-2 if (1) the elements are equivalent (§ 3.3.1); or (2) elt-1 is any array index RPL element and elt-2 is [?].

3.3.4  Disjointness

There is a disjointness relation on RPLs, which we will denote here by “rpl-1 is disjoint from rpl-2.” Its meaning is that the set of regions represented by rpl-1 has empty intersection with the set of regions represented by rpl-2.

Disjoint RPLs: rpl-1 and rpl-2 are disjoint if one of the following holds:
  1. rpl-1 is included in (§ 3.3.3) some RPL rpl-3; rpl-2 is included in some RPL rpl-4; and rpl-3 and rpl-4 are constrained to be disjoint (§ 2.4).
  2. For some n ≥ 1, (a) the RPLs formed by taking the first n elements of rpl-1 and rpl-2 are equivalent (§ 3.3.1); and (b) rpl-1 and rpl-2 have disjoint elements in position n+1 (this is called a “distinction from the left” in [2]).
  3. The last elements of rpl-1 and rpl-2 are disjoint (this is called a “distinction from the right” in [2]).
Disjoint RPL Elements: Two RPL elements elt-1 and elt-2 are disjoint if (1) one is a name RPL element (§ 3.2.1) and the other is an array index RPL element (§ 3.2.3); or (2) they are both name RPL elements corresponding to distinct region name symbols (§§ 2.1 and 2.3.2); or (3) they are the array RPL elements [expr-1] and [expr-2], where expr-1 and expr-2 are always-unequal expressions.

Always-Unequal Expressions: Always-unequal expressions are defined as follows:

3.4  Regions

DPJ partitions memory into heap regions (collections of memory locations on the heap) and stack regions (collections of memory locations on the stack). Heap regions are explicitly named using RPLs (§ 3). Stack regions are internally named and automatically managed by the compiler.

Because all DPJ type and effect annotations are erased at compile time, regions are not actually represented at runtime. They are a theoretical construct, used in the soundness proofs of DPJ [1]. For example, regions are used to show that if two RPLs are disjoint (§ 3.3.4), then the two sets of memory locations associated with the RPLs in the dynamic semantics are nonintersecting.

The programmer should not have to reason directly about regions; the proofs in [1] essentially say that it is sufficient to reason about RPLs, using the rules given in § 3. For more information about regions and the region tree, the interested reader is referred to [1].

3.4.1  Heap Regions

A heap region names a set of memory locations on the heap at runtime. Syntactically, a heap region is like an RPL (§ 3), with the following exceptions: An RPL with no * or [?] corresponds to a heap region at runtime, by replacing parameters with actual regions, object reference variables with the references they store, and integer expressions with the values to which they evaluate. For more information about how this substitution works, see [1]. An RPL containing * or [?] represents the set of valid RPLs obtained by substituting (possibly empty) sequences of RPL elements for * and nonnegative array index values for ?. This set of RPLs in turn corresponds to a set of regions, via the substitutions mentioned above.

Every heap region is part of a tree of regions rooted at the global name Root (§ 3.2.1). The tree structure is given in two ways:
  1. By the syntax of RPLs: e.g., A:B is a child of A.
  2. By the types of object references: if o is an object reference, and the owner region of the type of o (§ 4.1.6) is R, then a region whose RPL starts with o is a descendant of region R.
For more information about the region tree, see [1].

3.4.2  Stack Regions

The compiler internally generates stack regions for method value parameters and local variables. For example, the declaration int x inside a method generates the stack region x that is in scope where the variable x is in scope. These stack regions are generated and checked automatically, and the programmer cannot specify them directly.

Stack regions are compared by symbol: two occurrences of the same symbol are treated as identical, and different symbols are treated as different. This simple comparison is possible for stack variables because Java does not allow references to or aliasing of these variables.

4  Types

4.1  Class and Interface Types

4.1.1  Type and RPL Arguments

When a class or interface defined with type and/or RPL parameters (§ 2.4) is used to name a type, the type may optionally specify type and/or RPL arguments.

Syntax: The arguments have the form <args>, where args is a comma-separated list of valid class or interface types (this section) and/or RPLs (§ 3). This syntax, if it appears, must immediately follow the class or interface name. The types, if any, must appear first; followed by the RPLs, if any. Any of the types may be preceded by the keyword type, and any of the RPLs may be preceded by the keyword region; but the keywords are optional, as the compiler can infer which are the types and which are the RPLs from the class or interface definition.

Binding RPL arguments: It is an error to specify more RPL arguments than there are RPL parameters. If fewer RPL arguments than parameters are specified, the remaining arguments (from left to right) become bound to Root. For each RPL parameter constraint rpl-1 # rpl-2 specified in the parameter declaration (§ 2.4), the compiler checks that the RPLs rpl-1 and rpl-2 are disjoint (§ 3.3.4), after substituting the RPL arguments for the corresponding parameters in the RPLs. If any disjointness constraint is violated, the compiler issues a warning.

4.1.2  DPJ Erasure of Class Types

The DPJ erasure of a class type is the type obtained by ignoring all RPL parameters and arguments. For example, suppose class C has a type parameter T and a region parameter R. Then the DPJ erasure of C<Object,Root> is C<Object>.

4.1.3  Equivalent Types

Class or interface types T1 and T2 with no type or RPL arguments are equivalent if they are equivalent in ordinary Java. Otherwise, T1 and T2 are equivalent if (1) their DPJ erasures (§ 4.1.2) are equivalent according to this section; and (2) for every RPL parameter P of C, the RPL arguments bound to P in T1 and T2 are equivalent (§ 3.3.1).

4.1.4  Subtypes

Types that instantiate the same class or interface : T1 is a subtype of T2 in DPJ if (1) the two types instantiate the same class or interface; (2) the two types have no type or RPL arguments; and (3) T1 is a subtype of T2 in ordinary Java.

T1 is also a subtype of of T2 in DPJ if (1) the two types instantiate the same class or interface; (2) the DPJ erasure (§ 4.1.2) of T1 is a subtype of the DPJ erasure of T2 according to this section; and (3) the RPL arguments of T1 are included (§ 3.3.3) in the corresponding arguments of T2.

Types that instantiate different classes: T1 is a subtype of T2 if T2 is a direct supertype or indirect supertype of T1.

Direct supertypes: T2 is a direct supertype of T1 if a type with T2's class or interface appears in an extends or implements clause of T1's class or interface, and that type is a subtype of T2 after substituting arguments for parameters according to T1.

Indirect supertypes: T2 is an indirect supertype of T1 if there is a chain of direct supertypes connecting T1 to T2.

4.1.5  Casts

A cast from one class or interface type to another is legal if the cast would be legal for the DPJ erasures (§ 4.1.2) of the types. Therefore casts that violate type preservation are allowed. Any unsafe cast will generate the usual “unchecked or unsafe operations” warning that Java 1.6 gives for unsound generic casts.

4.1.6  Owner RPLs

If class-type is a class type, then the owner RPL of class-type is (1) the RPL bound to the first parameter of class-type, if class-type has parameters; otherwise (2) Root.

4.1.7  Captured Types

The compiler extends Java 1.6 type capture (JLS § 5.1.10) to capture RPL parameters as well as generic type parameters. If type is a class type with rpls as its RPL arguments, then the capture of type is defined as follows:
  1. Take the Java 1.6 capture of type, possibly substituting for the generic type arguments but keeping the same RPL arguments.
  2. In the result of step 1, for each RPL rpl in rpls that is partially specified (i.e., contains * or [?]), replace that RPL with a fresh RPL parameter constrained to be included in rpl.

4.2  Array Types

4.2.1  Valid Array Types

In DPJ, the array type is given by base-type followed by one or more instances of brackets, where base-type is a primitive, class, or interface type; and each instance of brackets is a pair of brackets ([]) optionally followed by an RPL argument <rpl>, optionally followed by #index-var, where index-var is an identifier that declares an index variable. An array type is valid if (1) base-type is valid, treating all index variables appearing in the type as integer variables in scope; and (2) the RPL of every brackets is valid, treating all index variables appearing in that brackets and all brackets to the left of that one as integer variables in scope.

Default index variable declaration: If no index variable declaration #index-var appears in a particular instance of brackets, then that instance of brackets is treated as if it had the declaration #_ (pound underscore). For example, int[]<[_]> is a valid array type; it is equivalent to int[]<[_]>#_.

4.2.2  New Arrays

A new array expression is new followed by base-type and one or more instances of new-brackets, where base-type is a primitive, class, or interface type; and new-brackets is the same as brackets as described in § 4.2.1, except that an integer length expression expr may optionally appear between the brackets. A new array expression is valid if (1) the array type generated by deleting the length expressions is valid (§ 4.2.1); and (2) the first n instances of new-brackets contain a length expression, for some n ≥ 1, while the rest do not.

4.2.3  Subtypes

If T1 and T2 are array types, then the compiler checks whether T1 is a subtype of T2 as follows:
  1. If the RPL specified in the leftmost brackets of T1 is not included in (§ 3.3.3) the RPL specified in the leftmost brackets of T2, then the answer is no.
  2. Otherwise, check whether the element type of T1 is a subtype of the element type of T2 (§ 4.1.4 or this section), but require equivalence of corresponding RPL arguments (§ 3.3.1), instead of just inclusion, in doing this check.
We require equivalence of RPL arguments for all but the leftmost RPL because it is not sound in general to allow subtype assignments into array cells.

4.2.4  Casts

Array type casts work in the same way as class type casts (§ 4.1.5).

4.3  Typing Expressions

4.3.1  Field Access

The compiler computes the type of a field access expression selector-exp.field-name as follows: (1) compute the type selector-type of selector-exp; (2) capture the type (§ 4.1.7) to generate type captured-selector-type; (3) look up the type field-type of field based on the class C named in captured-selector-type; (4) make the following substitutions in field-type: (a) the type and RPL arguments of captured-selector-type for the type RPL parameters of C; and (b) selector-rpl for this. If selector-exp is a final local variable var, then selector-rpl is var; otherwise, selector-rpl is a fresh capture parameter (§ 4.1.7) constrained to be included in owner-rpl:*, where owner-rpl is the owner RPL (§ 4.1.6) of captured-selector-type.

4.3.2  Array Access

If expression e has array type T (§ 4.2.1), then we construct the type and region of array access expression e[e'] as follows:

4.3.3  Method Invocation

Explicit Type and RPL Arguments: The compiler computes the type of a method invocation expression
as follows: (1) compute the type selector-type of selector-exp and the types arg-types of args; (2) capture selector-type (§ 4.1.7) to generate type captured-selector-type; (3) look up the method symbol based on the method name, selector-type, and arg-types, and find the return type return-type of the method; (4) make the following substitutions in return-type: (a) the type and RPL arguments of captured-selector-type for the type and RPL parameters of return-type; (b) type-args and rpl-args for the type and RPL parameters of the method; (c) for every expression int-exp in args of a type assignable to int, int-exp for the corresponding formal parameter of the method; and (d) selector-rpl for this, where if selector-exp is a final local variable var, then selector-rpl is var, and otherwise selector-rpl is a fresh capture parameter (§ 4.1.7) constrained to be included in owner-rpl:*, where owner-rpl is the owner RPL (§ 4.1.6) of selector-type.

Inferred or Missing Type Arguments, RPL Arguments, and/or selector-exp: If there are no explicit type or RPL arguments, the compiler infers them (if necessary) as stated in § 2.4.2 and proceeds as stated above using the inferred arguments in step (4)(b). If there is no selector-exp, then as in ordinary Java, the implied selector is this.

5  Effects

An effect is a set of actions that affect memory. Every statement and expression in the program is assigned an effect. If the effects of two statements do not interfere, then the statements may be safely run in parallel.

5.1  Basic Effects

Internally, the compiler represents effects as sets of basic effects. A basic effect is one of the following:
  1. A read effect, indicating a read operation on an RPL (§ 3) or stack region (§ 3.4.2). This effect represents any read at runtime to any heap region named by the RPL, or to the stack region.
  2. A write effect, indicating a write operation on an RPL or stack region. This effect represents any read or write to any heap region named by the RPL, or to the stack region.
  3. An invoke effect, indicating an invocation of method m of class C with effect E, where E is a set of basic effects.
A basic effect is local if it is a read or write effect on a stack region or an RPL containing a local region name (§ 3.2.1), or it is an invocation effect whose underlying effects are all local. We refer to a set of basic effects as an effect set.

5.2  Effect Summaries

The programmer may specify an effect summary as part of a method definition (§ 2.3.1). An effect summary consists either of the keyword pure, representing an empty effect set, or one or both of the following, in this order: The effect set of the whole summary is the union of zero, one, or two effect sets generated as described above.

5.3  Effect Inference

The compiler infers the effects of a statement, expression, or statement block by using the following method-local analysis:

5.4  Effect Coarsening

Coarsening of RPLs: RPLs appearing in accumulated effects may include any of the following elements that are no longer in scope at the point where the effects are being reported: (1) integer variables; (2) final local variables of class type; and (3) locally declared region names. The compiler therefore performs the following conversion (called effect coarsening) to generate a valid set of accumulated effects in the surrounding environment: Coarsening of Stack Regions: If a stack region appearing in an effect goes out of scope, any effect on that stack region is deleted in translating the effect to the outer scope.

5.5  Subeffects

The following rules determine whether effect set E1 is a subeffect of effect set E2:
  1. If E1 and E2 each consist of a single basic effect, then the following rules apply: (a) if R1 is included in R2 (§ 3.3.3), then a read of R1 is a subeffect of a read or write of R2, and a write of R1 is a subeffect of a write of R2; and (b) if E3 is included in E4, then an invocation of method M with effect E3 is a subeffect of an invocation of the same method M with effect E4.
  2. An invocation of method M with effect E is a subeffect of E.
  3. If E1 is a subset of E2 (i.e., all the basic effect of E1 also appear in E2), then E1 is a subeffect of E2.
  4. If E1 = E3E4, where E3 and E4 are subeffects of E2, then E1 is a subeffect of E2.
  5. The subeffect relation is reflexive and transitive.

5.6  Noninterfering Effects

The following rules determine whether effect sets E1 and E2 are noninterfering:
  1. If E1 and E2 each consist of a single basic effect, then the following rules apply: (a) two read effects are noninterfering; (b) two effects on R and R', each a read or write, are noninterfering if R and R' are disjoint (§ 3.3.4); and (c) two invocations of the same method are noninterfering if the method is declared commutative (§ 2.3.3).
  2. If E3 and E4 are noninterfering, then an invocation of method M with effect E3 is noninterfering with E4.
  3. If E1 = E3E4, where E3 and E4 are both noninterfering with E2, then E1 is noninterfering with E2.
  4. The noninterference relation is symmetric.

6  Parallel Control Flow

DPJ extends Java's control flow constructs by adding two parallel statements: cobegin and foreach. cobegin followed by a statement block executes each statement of the block as a parallel task. foreach defines a loop that executes sets of iterations as parallel tasks.

6.1  cobegin

The cobegin statement consists of the keyword cobegin, followed by a statement S to execute. If S is any statement but a block enclosed in curly braces {}, or if S is a block consisting of a single statement, then the cobegin just executes the statement S. Otherwise, S is a block containing multiple statements, and the component statements of S are run as parallel tasks. There is an implicit barrier (join) at the end of the cobegin statement, so that all the component tasks must finish execution before the parent task executes the statement after the cobegin.

The compiler computes the inferred effect set (§ 5.3) of each statement in the block and checks the effect sets for pairwise noninterference (§ 5.6). The compiler emits a warning if interference is discovered. Both parallel and sequential code generation of cobegin blocks are supported.

6.2  foreach

The foreach statement has the syntax foreach(index-var in start, length, stride) S, where The foreach statement causes one instance of S to execute for each value of index-var in the iteration space {start + stridei | i ∈ [0, length−1]}. index-var is treated as a final variable in S, so that any assignment to the index variable inside the loop causes an error.

The compiler performs the following noninterference check for indexed foreach loops:
  1. Infer the effect set of the body of the foreach (§ 5.3).
  2. Create a copy of the effect set generated in (1), but replace every occurrence of index-var with the negation expression (§ 3.3.4) of index-var.
If interference is detected, the compiler generates a warning.

Both parallel and sequential code generation are supported. For sequential code generation, the foreach iterations are executed in sequence, from lowest to highest in the iteration space. For parallel code generation, the compiler repeatedly halves the iteration space, recursively forking off pairs of parallel tasks, until a programmer-specified cutoff. The precise mechanism for specifying the cutoff is implementation dependent.


Robert L. Bocchino and Vikram S. Adve. Formal definition and proof of soundness for Core DPJ. Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-2008-2980, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.

Robert L. Bocchino Jr., Vikram S. Adve, Danny Dig, Sarita V. Adve, Stephen Heumann, Rakesh Komuravelli, Jeffrey Overbey, Patrick Simmons, Hyojin Sung, and Mohsen Vakilian. A type and effect system for Deterministic Parallel Java. In OOPSLA '09: Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 97–116, New York, NY, USA, 2009.

James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, and Gilad Bracha. The Java(TM) Language Specification (3rd Edition). Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005.

Christos Papadimitriou. The Theory of Database Concurrency Control. Computer Science Press, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1986.

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.