Package DPJRuntime

Interface Summary
DPJSequentialSet<type E,region R> This interface is identical to the java.util.Set interface, with the addition of DPJ region and effect annotations.

Class Summary
DPJArray<type T,region R> The DPJArray class wraps and provides a "view" of an ordinary Java array.
DPJArrayBoolean<region R> The DPJArray class, specialized to boolean.
DPJArrayByte<region R> The DPJArray class, specialized to byte.
DPJArrayChar<region R> The DPJArray class, specialized to char.
DPJArrayDouble<region R> The DPJArray class, specialized to double.
DPJArrayInt<region R> The DPJArray class, specialized to int.
DPJPartition<type T,region R> The DPJPartition class represents an array of DPJArray objects that partition another DPJArray (called the root array).
DPJPartitionBoolean<region R> The DPJPartition class, specialized to boolean.
DPJPartitionByte<region R> The DPJPartition class, specialized to byte.
DPJPartitionChar<region R> The DPJPartition class, specialized to char.
DPJPartitionDouble<region R> The DPJPartition class, specialized to double.
DPJPartitionInt<region R> The DPJPartition class, specialized to int.
DPJSequentialHashSet<type E,region R> DPJ version of java.util.HashSet.
DPJUtils This class provides various utility methods for DPJ.
Instrument Instrument is the support class for DPJ instrumentation.
RuntimeState This class stores the program state maintained by the DPJ runtime.